Cannabis sativa subsp. indica

indica (Lamarck) E. I. Nomenclature: A) Cannabis sativa L.; B) marihuana, hemp, Mary Jane; chanvre (Fr.); canamo (Sp.); Cannabis sativa ssp. indica var.

Cannabis sativa - Wikipedia Tassonomia. Esiste una controversia filogenetica sul fatto se le varietà coltivate della pianta costituiscano una singola specie, la Cannabis sativa, o se le eventuali sottospecie rappresentino in realtà specie distinte, come quelle chiamate Cannabis indica, Cannabis ruderalis. Kender – Wikipédia Egyes botanikusok szerint a Cannabis sativa egyetlen faj, aminek több változata, illetve alfaja (például Cannabis sativa var. indica vagy Cannabis sativa ssp. indica) van. Vad változatai 2–3 méter magasra is megnőnek. Könnyen felismerhető jellegzetes, tenyeresen összetett, 3-11 ujjú fogazott leveleiről.

La cannabis è una pianta che da tempo, per diverse ragioni, è sotto l'occhio dei riflettori. Cerchiamo di capire perché e quali sono le differenze tra le varietà Indica e Sativa.

Cannabis sativa subsp. indica

indica (Lam.) E.Small & Cronquist Cannabis indica var. kafiristanica Vav. Cannabis kafiristanica (Vav.) J.Chrtek Cannabis orientalis Lam. Cannabis sativa var. indica (Lam.) E.Small & Cronquist Cannabis sativa var. indica (Lam.) Wehmer Cannabis sativa var.

Sie gehören einer von drei Familien des Cannabis an - Sativa, Indica und Ruderalis. Jeder dieser Namen wird verwendet, um drei sehr unterschiedliche und einzigartige Erbgutsätze der Pflanzen der Cannabaceae Familie zu beschreiben (zu denen alle Cannabis Sorten gehören), die alle ihnen eigene Merkmale haben.

The índica varieties are native to India and Pakistan. These types of cannabis are highly prized by both indoor growers and breeders as they are medium or low-bed plants with short internodal distances and shrub-like appearance. Cannabis Sativa Subsp. Indica - an overview | ScienceDirect The cannabis plant has two main subspecies, Cannabis indica and Cannabis sativa, which can be differentiated by their physical and chemical characteristics.

Cannabis sativa subsp. indica

ruderalis is not the focus of our article about the indica vs sativa duality, this type has to be mentioned as it is often in the company of these two. As a real underdog, it is even being debated about whether it is a species of its own or just a subspecies of cannabis sativa. Cannabis sativa subsp. indica (Lam.) E.Small & Cronquist Cannabis indica var. kafiristanica Vav. Cannabis kafiristanica (Vav.) J.Chrtek Cannabis orientalis Lam. Cannabis sativa var. indica (Lam.) E.Small & Cronquist Cannabis sativa var. indica (Lam.) Wehmer Cannabis sativa var.

Cannabis sativa subsp. indica


Indica, and subsp.

Cannabis sativa subsp. indica

It is a putative species of the genus Cannabis. Whether it and Cannabis sativa are truly separate species is a matter of debate. The Cannabis indica plant is cultivated for many purposes; for example, the plant fibers can be converted into cloth. Cannabis Sorten: Indica, Sativa und Ruderalis Cannabis-Sativa-Sorten eignen sich für Anwendung am Tage, wenn ein hoher Grad an Aufmerksamkeit erwünscht ist.

Kender – Wikipédia Egyes botanikusok szerint a Cannabis sativa egyetlen faj, aminek több változata, illetve alfaja (például Cannabis sativa var. indica vagy Cannabis sativa ssp. indica) van. Vad változatai 2–3 méter magasra is megnőnek. Könnyen felismerhető jellegzetes, tenyeresen összetett, 3-11 ujjú fogazott leveleiről. Hamp (art) - Wikipedia, den frie encyklopædi Hamp (Cannabis sativa), også kaldet almindelig hamp, er en art i slægten Cannabis.Det er en op til 3 meter høj, enårig urt.Den stammer oprindelig fra Centralasien og er en af de ældste nytteplanter i verden.

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Cânepă indiană - Wikipedia Hașișul se extrage din rășina extrasă din florile plantei Cannabis sativa ss.